Apollon Town Meeting Nov. 29th

General Introduction

  In this town meeting, our panel moderated by Mary Savoie who is a female farmer discussed whether we should make a rule for children's going out.
  As a background to this discussion, Apollon has a rule for high school students' going out; When they go out at night, they must carry a cell phone and be accompanied by an adult. Apollon has no rule for under high school students' going out.

The Panelists Today Were:

Jessica Hamby: a 28-year-old female wedding planner who was at neutral position at first. She said that it was good to make a rule for children, but she also said that it wasn't sure that the rule would work.

Andy Smith: a 26-year-old male pilot who agreed to make a rule for children's going out, because he felt that it was helpful to educate children to correct way.

Jack Torrance: a 49-year-old male hotel caretaker who agreed to make a rule for children's going out, because he felt it was dangerous that there is no rule. He also said that kidnapping cases happened in Apollon.

Mercy Adamson: a 25-year-old female bookstore owner who agreed to make a rule for children's going out, because she felt children would sometimes face danger though most of the people in Apollon are kind.

Ivy Mitchell: a 25-year-old housewife who agreed to make a rule for children's going out, because she felt it could protect children from danger.


  The panel was able to move toward an agreeable consensus. Junior high school students should go home until 8:00 p.m. and elementary school students should go home 18:00 p.m. In addition to this, parents, police officers and neighbors will randomly patrol at night. 

Observation and Opinions

  The panelists exchanged their opinion well. It is really important to protect our child, however, in my opinion, I felt it wasn't needed to make the rule which restrict children's act. A panelist said  kidnapping cases happened in Apollon, after I heard that, I changed my mind. I think the meeting is effective because there is a possibility that our children will be kidnapped, so we should prevent it in advance.


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