Apollon Town Meeting Nov. 8th

General Introduction

  In this town meeting, our panel moderated by Chalsea Usher who is a baker discussed whether we should make a local food.
  As a background to this discussion, we have no local food though the main work in Apollon is farming.

The Panelists Today Were:

Rosie Jones: a 30-year-old mother who agreed to make a local food, because she thought many people would come to Apollon and the economy in Apollon would improve by doing so. She suggested to make a local food which is made from wheat flour because Apollon is famous for wheat flour. She also suggested to make a food which has a sunflower motif and which is not high in calories.

Mike Wilson: This is me.I am a 42-year-old fisherman who agreed to make a local food because I thought it would attract tourists and improve Apollon's economy. I also said one of the pleasure of traveling was tasting well-known local products, so we should make it. I suggested to make a fish burger at first, because I am a fisherman and I thought it was easy to start making because I and my acquaintance could make it. I also suggested to limit the number to sell.

Olivia Banner: a 35-year-old female travel agency who agreed to make a local food because she thought it would increase the number of tourists and it would make people to be able to image Apollon more familiar and easily. She also said everyone liked eating. She suggested to make a colorful bread which uses Apollon's vegetables.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: a 31-year-old genderless comedian who disagreed to make a local food because he felt it wasn't needed and it was risky at first, but  he changed his mind and he agreed to make it. He was concerned about the cost and the place to sell, and he insisted that we should make a local food which is unique.

Lily Williams: a 35-year-old female opera singer who disagreed to make a local food because she felt it wasn't needed. She said that we had decided to built a water park recently and what is representative of Apollon was the nature, but she changed her mind after hearing other opinions. She was concerned how much it would be, how we would advertise it and where we would sell.


  The panel was able to move toward an agreeable consensus. They decided to make and sell the local food, "colorful bread," on Sunflower Day and Thanks for Nature Day, if we get enough profit, then we will continue to do so.

Observation and Opinions

   At first, the meeting seemed to be not certain, but the meeting gradually came to be active. The panelists exchanged their opinion well. I felt it was good to decide the local food in detail although we can't say it was complete. The opinion Robert said was so helpful in our reaching the consensus. I think this meeting was effective, colorful bread may become a famous food.


  1. Hello, I'm Emily. I thought it would be better if you gave more stronger and convincing opinions.

  2. Hello, I'm Anne. I thought that your opinions were concrete and easy to understand. If you thought about the effects and problems after making fishburger, your opinions would be more persuasive.

  3. Hello. You always said good opinion, so I wanted you to say your idea actively with confidence.

  4. Hi, I am Elephant. Your opinion is good, but I want you to say a detail of fishburger such as the place of origin of the material.

  5. Hi, I'm Rachel. You'd have more detail image for the fishburger but I learned taht if I have some idea of something new, I should have detail images. Thank you.

  6. Hello, I'm Charlotte. You're idea is very good but if you could explain about fish burger more detail, the discussion would be better.

  7. Hi, I'm Jack. It would be better if you give more opinions to the opponents.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello, I'm Mercy. I felt your opinion that you limit the number of making fish burger was good, but it would be better if you think about the environment such as garbage.

  10. Hello, I'm Emma. I felt your opinion is good! However, I want to listen to the profits of making the fish burger more detail.

  11. Your opinion was great, so I wanted you to suggest discussing how the fish burger can become famous.

  12. Hi, I'm Jessica. You spoke very positively, suggested a fish burger as a local food in Apollon, and respomsed some questions flexibly, which was nice, I thought. However I could not understand well when you answered the question that what will we do if it does not sell well. I mean I did not know that you intended the first week after we start sell it, or the first week after it becomes to sell not well, so when you explained that, if you could have spoken in more detail, it would be better.

  13. Hi, i'm Eddie. I like your concrete idea "fish burger", but I think all of Apollonese should try to make local food, so even if fisherman and baker make local food, it does not have big affect on our economy. You should think about the suggestion more deeply. Thanks:)


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