Apollon Town Meeting Nov. 1st, 2018

General Introduction

  In this town meeting, our panel moderated by John Done who is a NEET discussed whether we should build a university.
  As a background to this discussion, we have no university. Almost all of the workers in Apollon are farmer and many children take over the duty.

The Panelists Today Were:

Mountain Elephant: a 30-year-old male florist who agreed to build a university. His opinion was that some of children wanted to study more, so we should build a university. He suggested to build a university which have two departments, agriculture and tourism.

Emma Ashley: a 27-year-old female patissier who agreed to build a university. She felt to study is important and it would be capable children to have many choices of business.

Paul Gilbert: a 48-year-old male philosopher who disagreed to build a university. His opinion was that we should use money for other things like protecting nature instead of building a university.

Chalky: a 26-year-old female grand staff who disagreed to build a university. Her opinion was that number of the children was decreasing, so we didn't need it. She also said that she was saving money, so she didn't use money for tax.

Clara Arnold: a 37-year-old wife of a farmer who disagreed to build a university. She felt a university wasn't needed because her children would take over the duty of farm. She also said you should learn by yourself if you wanted to learn more.


  The panel was able to move toward an agreeable consensus. They decided to build a two-year-college whose departments are only two; agriculture and tourism and if we will get a profit from it, we expand it.

Observation and Opinions

   The meeting seemed to be active. The panelists exchanged their opinion well. I felt the meeting was effective, because I think education is one of the most important things, however, I also felt many things were decided suddenly at the end.


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