
Showing posts from October, 2018

Apollon Town Meeting Oct. 25th, 2018

General Introduction   In this town meeting, our panel moderated by Jack Torrance who is a hotel  caretaker discussed whether we should build an amusement park.   As a background to this discussion, we have no amusement park. There are just some glass bottom boats on which guides and people ride in order to view in the see. The Panelists Today Were: Jessica Hamby : a 28-year-old female wedding planner who agreed to build an amusement park. She felt building an amusement park was good for the economy and not only tourism but also people in Apollon would enjoy there. Her opinion was that we first should make a small amusement park by using tax and gradually expand it because it would cost a lot of money to build it. Andy Smith : a 26-year-old male pilot who agreed to build an amusement park. He felt building an amusement park was good for the economy because many tourism would come for it. Mercy Adamson : a 25-year-old female bookstore owner who agreed to build an amusement par

Apollon Town Meeting Oct. 17th, 2018

General Introduction   In this town meeting, our panel moderated by Eddie Kaiser who is a civil servant discussed whether we should make a new national holiday.   As a background to this discussion, we have a national holiday which is called Sunflower Day, but there is no holiday except for it. Many people want to rest, but some people should work even if it is a holiday. The Panelists Today Were: Emily Carter: a 22-year-old female photographer who agreed to make a new national holiday, because she thought that making a new holiday would allow people to do a lot of things such as being with family. Her suggestion was to make Mt. Sunbirds Day when people climb the mountain, take pictures and thank the nature. Michael Scofield: a 30-year-old male building engineer who agreed to make a new national holiday, because he thought it would enable people to rest.  Anne Watson: a 28-year-old female interior coordinator who agreed to make a new national holiday, because she though